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Massachusetts Divorce Lawyers for Women
Helping the Women of Massachusetts Navigate Divorce
The Massachusetts divorce attorneys at Miller Law Group, P.C. understand that many women may have unique concerns about their future during divorce proceedings. Though wages are improving, women are still statistically likely to make less than their male partners; some women might have put their careers on hold for their partners, making them less financially independent.
As a result, in cases where property division is complex, many women stand to lose more. There are many factors involved in the division process that make it difficult to decipher the advantages or disadvantages of various settlement offers. Having an attorney who is familiar with what many divorcing women face is vital to getting an ideal outcome.
Marital property may include complex financial assets such as:
- Retirement plans
- Stock options
- Restricted stock
- Real estate
- Intellectual property
- Brokerage accounts
- Closely held businesses
- Professional practices
It's far more common today for women to have careers, incomes, and financial independence than it was 30 or 40 years ago. That said, you might still be facing obstacles that threaten your long-term financial stability. Our attorneys have the experience and track record to help craft the best strategy for your goals, helping you get the outcome you're looking for.
What to Expect If You Have an Uncooperative Spouse
Divorce can bring the worst out of our partners; even the best of them can be petty or uncooperative. If your spouse has a history of petty or controlling behavior before your divorce, expect manipulative and uncooperative behavior during the process. A controlling spouse will try to convince you that they know the law and how it affects your divorce. If you want what's best for both of you, speaking with a lawyer or mediator is the best first step.
We encourage you to do the following:
- Always have a lawyer consult on your case.
Lawyers are duty bound to advise you according to your interests alone. Good lawyers are aligned with your goals, your needs, and your situation. That's why hiring an attorney is so vital; if either of you want a mutually-beneficial outcome to your divorce, then you need a lawyer. Without one, you're facing a complex legal process without a guide. - Understand the mechanics of both child support and spousal support.
The best way to understand is to educate yourself as to how the law works and how it will affect your unique situation. For specific questions, call any of our attorneys. We will answer your questions and provide you with some of the information you need. - Have plenty of cash on hand to get you through the next two or three months.
Make sure you have enough money to pay your bills in case you are denied access to your accounts.
Avoid Making These Mistakes
- Short-term thinking and underestimating your expenses.
It's a common error to only focus on your daily cash needs and miss the big financial picture, including living expenses. You must write down your expenses and develop a realistic budget each month. - Meeting your spouse alone to discuss settlement.
Discussing your case without your attorney present is a major strategic error. Your lawyer is your protection, so bring them to every meeting and keep them updated on every conversation. - Thinking you will get a chance to tell your story to the judge.
Even if you go to trial, there are strict rules about what and how evidence is presented and what you can say. - Sweating the small stuff.
We encourage our clients to focus on their big goals: what do they want their life to look like in six months? In a year? We create a strategy to achieve that outcome. The "small stuff" is exactly that.
These are just some of the mistakes you should be careful about. Learn more by exploring Top 10 Divorce Mistakes.
Don’t Rush to Settlement!
Some spouses may stall and delay; others may immediately want to settle out. If your partner wants to settle quickly, do not let them rush you. Very early in the process, they may suggest the two of you can work it out without the need for attorneys. Then, he provides a seemingly fair settlement proposal. More often than not, the goal is to get the divorce over quickly.
However, if you don't take time to receive or review all your financial documents, you may not have a complete understanding of what you both own and/or owe. A settlement can be (and often is) mutually beneficial, but only you and your attorney are able to fully understand the scope of your marital property, what you require most, and how best to divide your assets.
Courtroom Conduct for Mothers
Every time you appear in court, all eyes are on you: the judge is assessing your credibility, opposing counsel is watching to see how you will act, and court personnel is wondering if you will be likable or difficult.
Going to court for the first time? Here’s what you need to know:
- Don’t let your appearance for your case be the first time you walk into the courtroom. Visit the court before your court date. Learn the ropes as to how your judge runs the courtroom.
- Bring a notebook with you to court. You will want to take notes.
- When you are on the witness stand, listen and make sure you understand each question you are asked.
- When answering questions, give the shortest answer possible. Do not provide more information than is needed.
- Avoid using absolute words such as no, never, and always.
- Beware of questions that include “everything you remember” or "everything that you know.” Answer the question, but cover yourself by also saying, “That is what I can remember right now.”
- If you do not remember something, simply say so.
Massachusetts Lawyers Who Advocate for Women
Even with more women in the workplace than ever, there are still divorce situations where women are the disadvantaged spouse. At Miller Law Group, P.C., we have considerable experience representing women in family law matters. From alimony to child custody, we are prepared to protect the best interests of women across the economic spectrum. For a free, no-obligation consultation and strategy session, call us at (888) 874-2142 or contact us online to schedule an appointment with one of our attorneys!

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"I appreciated your transparency and ability to manage the court room."
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"I interviewed many attorneys for my divorce case and knew that I made the right decision the moment I spoke with my attorney from your firm."Anonymous Father
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