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The 4 Different Types of Alimony in Massachusetts

When determining which spouse has to pay permanent alimony, there are various factors the court will consider. Some of these include the relative earning power of both spouses, the length of the marriage, the contribution of each spouse toward marital property and the circumstances of the divorce. Depending on those factors, 1 of 4 different types of alimony will be issued to the spouse that is assigned to pay.

The 4 different alimonies are as follows:

#1: General Term Alimony

This type of support is paid regularly to an ex-spouse who is financially depended on the former spouse. The length of time for general term alimony is dependent on the length of the marriage.

#2: Rehabilitative Alimony

This type of support is also paid regularly to an ex-spouse, but it’s paid with the expectation that the recipient spouse will be able to support themselves eventually. In this case, the paying spouse is required to pay ongoing alimony for the period during which the dependent spouse will go back to work or transition from a stay-at-home spouse to a self-sufficient earner.

#3: Reimbursement Alimony

This support is paid regularly or in a lump sum after a marriage if the marriage lasted 5 years or less. This type of alimony allows a spouse to be reimbursed for any costs that the ex-spouse paid to help the paying spouse further his or her career, including school tuition or professional training.

#4: Transitional Alimony

This support is also paid regularly or in a lump sum after a marriage if the marriage lasted 5 years or less. Transitional alimony enables a dependent spouse to receive support for a given period during which he or she adjusts to a new lifestyle or living situation.

If you are unsure which type of alimony would be required of you (or you would qualify for), contact our Longmeadow divorce attorneys to answer your questions. We understand that every case is different—we have a team ready to assist you and tailor your case to your specific needs.

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